Cookie Policy
TRUEiGTECH website uses cookies for personalizing ads and content, providing social media features, and analyzing site traffic. Alongside that, we also share information about our site usage with analytics, advertising, and social partners who might combine the data with other information that has been provided by you or collected by them from your service usage.
Cookies are text files that are used by websites to increase the efficiency of users’ experience. The law permits us to store cookies on your computer or device if they are absolutely necessary for the site operations. For all the other types of cookies that exist, we will be seeking your permission.
TRUEiGTECH website uses different types of cookies, some of which are placed by the third-party services that are highlighted on our web pages. At any time, you have the flexibility to withdraw or change your consent from the Cookie Policy page on our website. You can check out our Privacy Policy to learn more about who we are and how we use your personal data.
In case you want to contact us regarding our cookie policy, please state the consent ID and appropriate date, which will help us address your queries better. Your cookie consent will be applicable to the domain,
There are basically 5 types of cookies:
- Strictly Necessary: These are the cookies that are absolutely necessary for site operations and cannot be deactivated within the systems. Such cookies do not store any of your personal identification details.
- Technical Use: These cookies are essential and can improve your overall interactivity on the website, facilitating usability and content sharing.
- Audience Measurement: Such cookies are used to specify the count of visits you make to the website to understand the traffic and navigation sources. The purpose is to improve, measure, and optimize the overall performance and experience of our website or application.
- Advertising and Targeting: These cookies record certain data making it possible to control the choice of ads being displayed for a specific internet user. It requires your consent to deposit these cookies.
- Social Network: The social network cookies allow certain content to be shared across social networks. Depositing these cookies also requires your consent, which you can disable from the control tab.
To learn more about your rights and how to exercise them, you can go ahead and read our other policies on our website. Or, you can also reach out to us at to raise any issue, query, question, or complaint about our cookie policy and the usage of associated user data. The current Cookie Policy can be updated whenever required without the need for prior intimidation.